Thursday, 15 March 2012

The Year of far

Leading upto my Birthday, I coined this year my 36th as The Year of Awesome.  In a nutshell it boiled down to wanting to live life to its fullest each day.  I compiled a "Bucket List" of 18 (half of 36) things that I wanted to accomplish this year.  For the most part, each thing on the bucket list wouldn't really impact anyone other then me.

Here is the bucket list, in no particular order and where things stand almost 2 months into The Year of Awesome
  1. Get another tattoo.  I know where I want it and what it will say, just working on the design of it.  This will have to happen after I donate blood, see item #5
  2. Get out of debt.  When I added this to the list, the debt was higher then it is today.  I am confident by my birthday this will be accomplished
  3. Participate in a year long creative challenge.  Along with two very creative friends Kim and Patty, we are working on a scrapbook page a month challenge.  Of course to keep us focused, we decided the flakers would have their picture posted in the local scrapbook store showing their failure.  So far so good.
  4. Go to Vegas.  Some planning has happened.
  5. Donate blood.  Didn't realise an appointment was needed, need to call tomorrow to arrange for next Friday
  6. Get promoted.  Have continued to work by behind off each and every day.  Next step, round table which is coming up next week.  Regardless of the outcome of the round table it will be a great opportunity and learning experience
  7. Take my lunch more, buy less.  A real struggle-getting better but could be so much more
  8. Read 52 books in 52 weeks.  Thought this was going to be easy peasy mac n cheesy especially with my Kobo that I received at Christmas.  I really need to speed things up a bit.
  9. Try sushi.  Went to a Chinese buffet on my birthday with every intention of crossing this item off my list and oh my Mother of all things holy I couldn't do it.  I will try again-soon.....maybe
  10. Start and maintain a blog.  Well I started it and things went well for about 2 weeks then I fell off the blogwagon.  I am committed to maintaining this blog and turning it into something day.
  11. Ride in a hot air balloon.  I am afraid of heights and need to be in control, not sure how this will work for me but I am willing to give it a shot.
  12. Be a local Summer tourist.  Planning is happening for this getting ready for the season.  I live within a short distance of so many amazing touristy things that I want to experience it all this Summer
  13. Take a random road trip.  Haven't thought much about this
  14. Get my nose re-pierced.  Will need to happen after blood is donated
  15. Have a "Come to Jesus meeting with Rick"  I was asked almost 6 years ago not to hate someone, I told them I didn't hate them I hated their behaviour and actions.  I am ready to have a conversation with this person.  Not sure where it will lead but it will give closure on today and yesterday.
  16. Go skinny dipping.  No particular reason other then it seems like a fun idea.  No planning or action taken yet
  18. Stress less.  This is going amazing.  I really am not sure what I was stressing about so much in the past but I feel like a whole other person.
Check back in late April early May for another update on the "bucket list" for The Year of Awesome

The Wheels on the Bus....What an adventure

Riding the bus in a large urban area is like reading a Choose Your Own Adventure book, you pick the path but never know how things will end up.  As someone who doesn't drive but needs to get from point A to point B other then by walking, I take public transit (bus, train, streetcar, subway) on a daily basis.  There are days when all semms fine and dandy then all of a sudden something happens and I wonder how I ended up on a vehicle going to crazytown.

I have been taking the bus without a parent since I was 10 (with a friend) and 12 (solo).  In that time I have seen a lot of things at times wondering if I was on Cash Cab the bus edition.  Just a mere two days ago there was a woman on my bus who was dancing about and asking other passengers if they had ever seen a crackhead or methhead look as good as her? I can answer that, no you truly are a unique individual Ms Crackhead and if I was a judge offering a sash for "Most Cracked Out" you would win hands down.  About a mnth ago there was a guy near the back of the bus where I was sitting who thought he was on his way to being the next great rapper equal only to the great Kish.  Once he was done entertaining us with his mad skillz and spitting some ill beats he was kind enough to offer to share the crack he was on his way to smoke with an elderly man near him.  So considerate, I generally offer my seat to the elderly who knew crack was as thoughtful?  Then there are those people who forget that there are people around them and carry on confidential conversations about work and co-workers.  Three weeks ago, I encountered two such geniuses on my way to work.  I really appreciated your stories especially the parts about one of my best friends who is one of your bosses. 

There are somethings about riding the bus that really irritate me.  My biggest pet peeves on the bus are:
  • Strollers (especially travel systems) that take up two and three seats.  Did you pay for those seats?  No, great move the stroller so I can sit down and then move it back in front of me.  Another pet peeve is when the stroller is loaded down like a moving truck and then the kid who should be in the stroller is taking up another seat.
  • Food, actually stinky food.  I am not a saint and do eat on the bus however my chocolate bar, muffin or bagel doesn't smell up the whole bus.  I do not need to be trapped on the 22 wheel hard top for 30 minutes smelling a fast food burger or onions off of your sandwich
  • Loud phone talkers, um yeah there are at least 30 other people on the bus and we all don't care that Sara is a skank and stole Justin from you or that OMG you totally just got felt up by George even though his swag is totally lame.  Cool story bro, tell it again.
  • Those who think the bus is there bathroom, yeah no need to be applying all your make up (I will admit to putting lipstick on while on the bus), clipping your nails, shaving your legs (witnessed on the GO Train from Aldershot to Port Credit) or flossing your teeth.
  • Those who think the bus is their bedroom, you are supposed to climb onto the bus/train not your date.  If I wanted to see random strangers dry hump I would hang out Wedding reception halls and watch out for the Maid of Honour and Best Man to slip into the coat check.
  • Bags on the seat, did you pay for that seat?  No then move your TNA duffel bag so I can sit my ass down.  Do I ever put my bag on the seat?  Yes when I am one of less then five people on the bus and near the back.
Despite the fact that I only pay for the ride and not the entertainment package that is included most days, I am thankful for (mostly) reliable transit service.  I am sure there is another post in the future about the bus adventures of the Queen of Public Transit.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Introducting you to Phat to Fit to Fabulous

About 23 years ago, my parents got the brilliant idea that we should move to the SUBURBS.  The only things I knew about the suburbs were from reading Judy Blume novels and didn't know if I had it in my to walk around chanting "we must we must increase our bust" or peek at my neighbours with binoculars however I didn't have a choice.  I knew I didn't have a choice when I called the Children's Aid Society to report the potential for child abuse and a very irritated man with a thick British accent scolded me and told me that real abuse was happening in homes around the city.  Dude, I was 13 and being moved to a town with one mall that should have landed me a celebrity studded telethon or at least a charity run in my opinion.  Back to the point of this post, we moved to the suburbs and I felt like I was on a whole other planet.  First day of school came and passed, hated it and cried all the way home telling my Mom how horrible she was and that I wasn't going back to that school where people "still pinned their jeans"-lost that battle and had to go back to the school with no walls.  Second day, this very bubbly girl came up to me and said "You're new here right, and from Toronto" and in my best sullen I hate life and everything about it voice I answered "yeah and now I live here" to which the bubbly girl responded "OMG, I love Toronto do you speak valley can you speak valley to me?" I clearly remember thinking what the hell is happening to my life and doesn't this girl know that the valley is in California then in the next millisecond thinking to myself this girl isn't like everyone else here and I think we could be friends.  This bubbly girl has a name and it is Fiona, did we become the bestest of friends and challenge each other to see who could have the highest Montclair bang pouf ever, no (not bffs however we were friends) and thank God no.

We crossed paths almost daily between Grade 8 and the end of high school, some of the same friends and she worked at the same grocery store as my high school boyfriend then we lost contact.  I did my thing and she did her thing.  I did manage to maintain friendships with a lot of my middle and high school friends but always wondered about Fiona and what she was doing with herself.  I always knew it would be amazing whatever it was, there was always something about her that knew one day she would shine.  One day my BFF (am I twelve??) sent me an invite to this thing called Facebook and I joined (apparently I am 12 afterall) and I started reconnecting with all sorts of people from my past and one of them was Fiona.

We caught up and started chatting and instantly I was a wee bit jealous, she was leading an amazing life and one that I had wanted for myself at one time.  Around the time we started chatting again, she started blogging and I think I developed a straight girl crush on her.  Holy shit!!!  I knew it, there was something awesome-that chick has mad talent and can write like nobodies business.  I would love for anyone who is reading my blog to head over and check out her amazing blog

And to you Miss Fiona, like ohmigod you totally rock and are totally awesomely fabulous already